Sedgefield Farmers’ Market
Sedgefield Sedgefield,, County DurhamFind us on Sedgefield village green on the first Sunday every month, we'll be there from 8:30am to 12pm with a wide selection of beef, lamb, mutton and pork from […]
Find us on Sedgefield village green on the first Sunday every month, we'll be there from 8:30am to 12pm with a wide selection of beef, lamb, mutton and pork from […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Bring your yarn and knitting needles and have a good old natter by the warm fire in the coffee shop with a cuppa! Our Knit & Natter group meet at […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]
Jenny runs watercolour workshops which explore the techniques and subject matter that she has been practicing and experimenting with in herown work. This means that the workshops are always fresh […]