Broomy Blogs

Summer News from the Farm

Summer has arrived! Here’s the link to the full June Newsletter – it’s a great way of staying in touch with what’s happening at Broom House!

Farm Retail Conference 2023

I sit here trying to take in what a fantastic three days the Farm Retail Conference was this year. It was my first time attending and I write this with […]

February News from the Farm

Here’s the link to the full February Newsletter – it’s a great way of staying in touch with what’s happening at Broom House!

March News from the Farm

Here’s the link to the full March Newsletter – it’s a great way of staying in touch with what’s happening at Broom House!

January is “Slow Cooking Month”

These days there seems to be a day or a month for just about everything…but this one caught my eye as it makes seasonal sense. The colder winter months call […]

Roast Chicken – the ultimate comfort food

As an organic farm we do have many customers that come to the Farm Shop for organic produce and where we can source it we will always try to have […]

Green Egg Boxes

We pack our eggs in green egg boxes so that you can spot them easily.  We have 2 flocks of organic hens, you can see ranging around the paddock next […]

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